Friday, August 29, 2008

Senior City Hat - Again

Last time I wore my senior citizen hat I was just pooped out. Now I’m a gimp. Somehow, and I truly don’t know how, I ‘ve done something to my left knee. On Monday, August 18th I got up from my desk to go home, as I have for the past 13 years, and my knee gave out on me. It hurt and I could barely hobble to the car. Luckily Jim was picking me up because I don’t think I could have worked the clutch in my five speed car. Figuring it was just a temporary ailment, I sat down for the rest of the evening with an ice bag on my knee. I repeated this treatment the next night but felt no improvement. On Friday we went out for dinner with Lenny and Linda and I was still hobbling. Jim stopped at Walgreens and bought me a knee brace and a cane. Totally upset to have to use these I argued for quite a while before giving in and using both. By Saturday I was feeling some improvement and like a ninny I walked through IKEA, shopping with my daughter. Anyone who has been there knows that it’s nearly a 5K walk so by the time I got home I was truly sore. We were invited to a wedding reception that night and sadly I couldn’t have even one dance with my husband.

Baylee keeps a watchful eye
on this new "stick" I keep by the door.

So now that I'm over 50 and know that my body is slowing slipping into old age, I gave in and went to the doctor on Tuesday morning. He thinks I may have a torn meniscus so I have an MRI scheduled for this afternoon to diagnose the problem for certain. This is usually an injury for athletes but since I am definitely not a sports person, he said it’s just an “age” problem. This getting old stuff is not for the sissies. I hope to take this hat off soon and get back to one that is much more fun!

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