Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Heading West - Day Four

The third day we drove through Texas and didn’t get out of the van any more than we absolutely needed. The temperature was in excess of 100° and the kids whimpered and whined when I asked them to stand in front of the Welcome to Texas monument to take a photo. The enormity of the state was realized after we spent all of the day driving through the largest continental state. We decided to have dinner after the sun when down and we could park the Airstream and enjoy cooler temperatures. However, I missed the turn off by Ft. Worth/Dallas and we circled that city for over two hours. By the time I finally spotted the exit we had been trying to find, reached our campground, set up and found a place to eat that was still open, it was 2 a.m. Hungry stomachs created some unruly kids and one impatient Doberman looking for a spot of grass!

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