Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lions, Miners & Bears - Oh, My! - Part One- Idaho, 1982

Although the summer was quite an exciting experience, there were a few things that made it less than perfect. First of all, there were meteor showers during the summer but unfortunately I was too terrified to go outside and enjoy them. Why? Bears, mountain lions, wolverines and miners. When we took day trips to the Sawtooth Mountains you had to check in with the Ranger Station. When you did, they gave you a brochure on what to do if you encounter a grizzly bear. That was scary enough but reading the local and regional newspapers brought that fear home! The first month we lived there we read about a mountian lion running up and snatching a woman's poodle right off the leash. Worse was the story of a grizzly bear dragging a sleeping woman from her tent, still in her sleeping bag. We were also warned about wolverines because pound for pound they are the most fercious of the mountain creatures.

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