Monday, June 21, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Tonight I went to dinner with two friends, Carol and Jo, to celebrate their mutual birthday. We ate outside at a lovely restaurant near Hyde Park Square, an upscale community close to our homes. We shared a bottle of wine with dinner then strolled past the shops, window shopping as we headed for coffee. Once again we sat outside enjoying our coffee and desserts while we chatted for hours. It was the first day of summer and I will remember this solstice for quite awhile, knowing it will be among the best days of 2010.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Al & Tipper

I was so sad to hear that Al & Tipper Gore were separating. As many other people commented, they seemed like the perfect couple. I met them both in 1997 and they fit their descriptions to a tee. He was stiff and robotic and she was prettier in person and quite charming.

No one knows what can cause two people to grow apart but I hope for them, their children and grandchildren that they stay good friends nonetheless. It gives the rest of us hope, too.