Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Summerfair 1974

My ex-husband, Chris, posted baby photos of Chandra for her 37th birthday.

I wanted to post this photo in particular as it shows one of the last Summerfairs at Eden Park. It was an awesome "hippie" event back in the day.

It is now an upstanding and respected arts festival but for us, in the 70's, it was a "Happening". You knew all of your friends would be there taking in the great rock music and being part of thousands of interesting people roaming about.

For Cincinnati, it was the original "party in the park".

Mimi Weekend

I spent the last weekend in February at my daughter's home, taking care of her four children while she and her husband had a well deserved trip out of town.

Nick came over with me and joined Megan, Chase and Brody in the media room to play endless hours of video games and watch movies while little Kalee and I worked on one of my quilts. She was very attentive and loved my colored threads. When we weren't sewing, we watched the skating review and Kalee spun around the room, putting her arms in the air like the skaters.

Being a grandmother is a gift, just plain and simple, its a gift from God.