Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Planning a GOH

Once again I am planning a GOH (a Get Outta Here). During our June trip to Washington, D.C., we ran out of time to see a few of the places that were on our wish list. My oldest granddaughter, Megan, was excited to see Mount Vernon but when we got there, we did not have enough time to view the grounds and the mansion. She and Jim had a ticket for the Holocaust Museum and we had to rush back to D.C. I promised her that we'd get back there. A few weeks ago she reminded me of this promise so we picked a weekend that worked for her and we started planning.

This is the type of trip I love..the kind that lasts a few days but is full of adventure. I have been to Mount Vernon and Monticello in the past but I look forward to seeing them again and sharing the experience with a sixteen year old.

If all we are lucky, the leaves will be in full color as we drive through the mountains of Virginia.

Wish us luck!

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