Thursday, July 17, 2008

Have Hat Will Travel - Part Four

After a quick breakfast at the motel, Carol and I drove to Niagara Falls. We were in line with many other cars on the tall bridge spanning the river waiting our turn to go through the checkpoint at the Canadian border. The bridge only had two lanes but as we neared the border stations the lanes expanded depending on how many checkpoints were open. Only two were open as we neared and the drivers waiting on the bridge seemed to be getting impatient and started jockeying in for a better position. One car containing two men seemed to be more impatient than others. Carol and I chuckled when we read his vanity plate - MagicFun. Mr. Magic Fun was definitely not living up to his plate identity and was trying his best to get in front of us on the bridge. He edged in and out of the lanes working his way ahead of everyone in an inconsiderate manner. Needless to say, since we were not as impatient or as rude he got in front of us and scooted across our lane to one that was suddenly opening left of us. He seemed pretty content with himself until three more lanes opened on the right side and the rest of us split into the openings. Mr. Magic Fun was fuming in his car, now three cars back as we slid through the checkpoint. Carol and I were amused and tried to hide our laughter as we entered Canada before him and enjoying much more magic and fun for the rest of the day. The last time I was at Niagara Falls with my daughter, we had three grandchildren with us. We parked, walked to the cliffs to look at the water and within a few minutes the kids were indicating that they had "been there, done that". This time Carol and I parked in a lot at the western edge of the falls and took our time walking all the way past the falls to the downtown area. What a spectacular experience listening to all the languages and seeing folks from everyone possible ethnic group, all of us in sharing the same excitement as we took in this nature wonder. From time to time we would stop and take a photo for a family or couple so they could both be in the memory of this day. We had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe then slowly walked back just being in the moment. As we drove back to the bridge we kept an eye out for Mr. Magic Fun to see if his day and demeanor had improved. Our trip home was long but we talked and made the miles go faster. As we neared the Caesar Creek area we experienced the first bad weather of our entire trip. The wind picked up and lightening filled the air so we called home for a weather report to learn that a series of storms was passing north of Greater Cincinnati. We stopped and waited out the worst of the wind then made it home just before midnight with the satisfaction and memories of a wonderful adventure.

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