Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kitchen Fever

Jim did a lot of work on my kitchen this past weekend. We have the base cabinets in place and the countertop is set. Our new black stove comes on Friday.
We had a bit of a set back when the new countertop was installed. Seems the base cabinet under the sink area is smaller than the former and our large stainless steel sink did not fit. We found another tonight that we like so tomorrow we install the new sink and faucet. After that the doors will go on the base cabinets, then handles and then I can put everything back. We will also need to replace the cabinet we installed over the stove because the new over-the-range microwave needs more space. Thank goodness for the IKEA rail system because we only need to detach from the rail and put up the new.

I also have to finish the tiles on the kitchen floor and decide on a wall color. Next a new kitchen exterior door and there's a black dishwasher that caught my eye. This will hold us until spring when we are going to take it all down, refinish the walls and put a window over the sink. We discovered that there had been one there years ago (more than 20) and we will have to open the hole on the inside and cut through the siding on the outside. Ya gotta love old houses! So much to do but we're doing our best!

Pinwheel Quilt

I'm working on another baby quilt. This one is made of bright pinwheels and will be quilted with bright purple, blue and pink threads. I am also working on my charm quilt which consists of different fabric for every square. So far I have 144 squares in the project and thanks to Julie and Jo, I have more pieces to put in.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I left home once again this morning to a light snow. It was dry and soft and made me think of fairy dust. I brushed it off the windshield and windows with just a sweep of my glove.
Nick had hoped for enough for a snow day from school which seemed just a bit greedy after a two week holiday break but snow days are precious jewels of childhood. Complaints of icy bus stops are forgotten when the choice is one's own on whether to go outside or stay indoors.
However, today's snow was just enough for a soft blanket of white covering the gray landscape of winter. I smiled all the way to work.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

It was snowing today as I left for work...tiny, gentle snowflakes. Ahhh, I love snow.
I try to empathize with those who do not. It's cold, it's slippery, it disrupts lives. However, we choose to live in a climate that promises snow in the winter and unbearable heat in the summer. I bite my tongue when others complain, wanting to tell them to move somewhere else if they despise the inevitable. I respect that everyone has the right to their own feelings but for me, I love each flake.
I miss the winters I spent in Idaho where it stayed white and fluffy, piled high for months on end. There was never a disparaging word about snow when we lived near a ski resort. I am not able to live there now and I miss it. In truth, like anywhere else, we had a trade off in Idaho. The summers were short, springs were muddy and we had no lovely fall foliage.

I admit that I am guilty of whining about the heat and humidity when July and August roll around but I choose to live here so I guess I'll just have to think of winter as sweat beats on my brow. Ahh, I love snow.