Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm headed back to the studio tonight. I'm a bit less blue but I'm still not 100%.
There's song that is stumping me and its making me very, very blue. My favorite songs I have written were not really written but dictated to me from the muse, straight into my brain. I get a line or a chorus and the song just germinates. I repeat the line over and over and over and then suddenly, the remaining words come pouring out. I grab my guitar then paper and pen and catch the song as it is born. If I'm not fast enough, words and lines just disappear back to where they came - into some sort of muse-utopia.
I have had a line/chorus in my head for days and days. I sit with my guitar. I sit with pen and paper. I sit at my computer. I think the muse is on vacation, probably some exotic place that she can't tear herself away from. I miss the muse and wish she'd come back to me.
Until then, I just keep writing words, strumming chords and singing in various keys, hoping the song will grow. This is WORK!
Nonetheless, I recently heard James Taylor talking about a song that took him two years to write. He also said that some of his best just came to him and they were written in less than an hour. At least its not just me.

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