Thursday, August 14, 2008

Proud Dad and Mom

My daughter Chandra was a brave soul and delivered Kalee using no drugs!!! I did that when I had her but that was because Chandra was my first and I had no idea of what I was getting into. With Star I just asked for all the drugs they could give me. Kalee is Chandra's fourth so she knew quite well what to expect and still decided to go natural. I was so proud of her decision but as a mother it was difficult to watch her discomfort and pain. Chandra, however, delivered quite quickly and was a trooper. The most nervous person in the room was her daughter, Megan, aged 13. My son-in-law, Justin, was very calming and right before the birth put in a Beatles CD. Kalee was born to the sounds of "Little Help From My Friends." I only recall Chandra making three or four big pushes before the final, successive push. She made it look pretty easy.

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